Audio and Podcasts

As of January 2015, the Tłı̨chǫ Cultural Commons Digital Archives contains over 20,200  audiofiles in over 2,000 folders. As the audiofiles are indexed, a description of each file will be located here. The audiofiles date back several decades and include interview material from elders from all our communities on a broad variety of topics, recordings from meetings and other materials:

  • Recordings by elder
  • Recordings by Project and Meeting
  • Lands Protection Collection 
  • The Elizabeth Mackenzie Collection
  • The Cosmology Collection 

Current Audio and Podcasts

1962 Dogrib Tea Dance - Track 1

Extract from CD 30 - Track 1

Maida Old Tapes

A reading in the Tłįchǫ language of 'Maida Old Tapes'.

The Woman and the Pups told by ed sangris

A reading in the Tłįchǫ language of 'The Woman and the Pups' told by Ed Sangris.


A reading in the Tłįchǫ language of 'Nohta' .

The Raven's Lesson How the Fox Got His Legs Crossed

A reading in the Tłįchǫ language of 'The Raven's Lesson How the Fox Got His Legs Crossed'.

How the Fox Saved the People

A reading in the Tłįchǫ language of 'How the Foxed Saved the People' .